Friday, August 19, 2011

1/2 Stepping at Head1/4s

132 Beaumont Street

Can a cafetorium's rep really rest on a single plate? Well, if that cafetorium's Headquarters, and that plate is the Roly's HQ, then the answer is "stick-up kids is out to tax". And "yes".
HQ's a slightly isolated eatery at the still very much marine-commercial north end of Westhaven. Nautical touches include, notably, a cigarette machine - didn't have occasion to confirm if there's a conny-machine in the bogs...
We minced in here a couple Sundays ago, post a "two-wheeled lycra fashion show", one thing on our minds (T & mine's in any case): carb-replenishment. And what better way to commit first degree carbocide than smashing a Roly's.
For the uninitiated, a Roly's is a plate sized potato hash swathed with melted cheese. I think there're some mushrooms in there somewhere, too. It's a hot, dutty nug that totes hits the spot. B made the mistake of ordering the french toast. The verdict was indifference, right down to the Mehple Syzzurp.
Let's face it, if you're gonna hit HQ, you're there to order the Roly's. Why fuck with anything else?
The coffees were decent too.